Saturday, August 04, 2007

SATURDAY (aka Another Honey-Do-Day)

Roger talked me out of painting my work shop Boring White. So, today we painted the room a lovely shade of Boring Green (much better...NOT).. It took all of about 3 gallons of paint to complete the task of spraying the walls.

When we were finished and everything was cleaned up we stopped for lunch. During our break I told Roger that I would be working in my work shop with the door closed and, please do not open the door until I said it was okay to look.

It didn't take me long to do and Roger is certainly not impressed but, I like it. I know it's silly but it's something I wanted to do. Sort of like being allowed to color outside of the lines.

Anyway, remember that art is subjective. You may not think that the room is beautiful. In fact you might think it's down right ugly. However, it is no longer BORING.

Oh yes, his comment...."We can always repaint it."

My comment, "I don't think so."

Frankly, My Dear ... I Have "No Comment."

It's certainly "artsy." LMAO
Maybe I'll add more to it. The jury is still out on that one though.
I love it!!! It gives it character!!
In that case, I'll add a bit more character to it. [smile}
The jury has reconvened. The verdict is... The paint job stays. Roger says, "It grows on you." ;-)
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